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Definitely late to the game on this one, I’m better late than never. By “Astonishing X-Men”, I refer to Astonishing X-Men issues #1-24, plus Giant-Sized Astonishing X-Men #1 (The entire Joss Whedon run.) And talk about a great run. I’ve been out of comics since early college, so I was lost on a few details (like why Jean Grey, one of the greatest and most powerful Marvel characters ever created, is dead?) but, thanks to my friend Ryan and Wikipedia, no lingering questions interfered for long with my enjoyment of what is, for the most part, a self-contained and excellent story.

I loved the art, cheerful and elaborately colorful, or minimally and moody, where appropriate. Love the new character designs (with the exception of “Danger”, who looks like a Michael Bay Transformers reject), The art seemed to really mesh with the script in ways that most comics rarely do. I found myself laughing out loud a few times to some pretty awesome quips and situations, which was often thanks to both the plotting and script. Whedon obviously knows his X-Men history.

Questions of loyalty, that of lovers, teammates, and fellow species, tend to be the focus here and always pay off in ways unexpected. In the end, things are tearfully and pleasantly wrapped up (although, I would like to know if a certain X-Men survived her final (?) act of bravery.)

Astonishing X-Men would’ve made a great miniseries or movie, but serves the comic format well. HIGHLY recommended.

Read via Astonishing X-Men TPB Collections #1-4, available on Amazon or comic shops 8.5

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